Subaru Kids Race

Join us for the Subaru Kids Races- Do the DASH 2025!
Register NOW!

WHO: Girls & Boys Ages 5-10*
KID’S DASH to support the ECMC Foundation
Bidwell Parkway And Elmwood Avenue
WHEN: Friday, July 18th 2025 at 6:30pm
WHY: Because It Is Fun

Ribbons awarded to top three (3) finishers in each category:

Ages 5-6: 30 yard dash
Ages 7-8: 40 yard dash
Ages 9-10: 50 yard dash

* To ensure the safety of all children participating and for PAL liability insurance reasons, we ask that you please do not register children not yet 5 years of age.

You may also register on day of the race starting at 6:00 pm. Races will start at 6:40 pm

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