The Police Athletic League of Buffalo offers partnership sports sampling Clinics and Camps in partnership with the Buffalo Police Department. This model would require a commitment of at least (3) consecutive sports sampling sessions on a particular sport for the goals and objectives to be achieved by the participants. These learning objectives include proper skill development, knowledge, and rules of the sport that they are learning and to be able to have friendly competition. These programs are designed to develop youth interests, so that they will want to continue learning all about the sport while having fun, with the hopes of funneling them in to long term league player development.
Jr NBA Basketball program- jr.nba.com
USTA Tennis Program- tennislink.usta.com
Youth Lacrosse Programming in Partnership with Buffalo Youth Lacrosse –buffaloyouthlacrosse.com
Learn to Swim (with the goal of certifying lifeguards)-usaswimming.org
Soft ball and baseball-usabaseball.com
Golf in Partnership with The First Tee of WNY- thefirstteewesternny.org
NFL Flag Football–nflflag.com
C.A.T.C.H- catchinfo.org (Coordinated Approach to Child Health)